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The Rebbe on the Hasidic Gentile Campaign

  1. What is the primary mission for our generation to accomplish?
  2. The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the golus, to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries (such that "and kingship will be Hashem's," Ovadiah 1:21).

    --Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746.

    The unique innovation in the Previous Rebbe's service is the dissemination of Torah and Judaism and the wellsprings of Chasidus outward to the entire world, including the effect on the non-Jews.

    --Hisvaduyos 5750 4:418, cites in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 370.

    Our efforts must be geared to the "final days" in purifying and clarifying ourselves and in influencing the Noachides to accept their G-d-given destiny which will cause the nations of the world to come before G-d and give honor to His Name, with the true and complete redemption through our righteous Moshiach, speedily and truly in our days.

    --Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 76.

  3. Will Moshiach come entirely by our efforts on pulling individual Jews out of golus, or through our work in transforming the golus into geulah?
  4. [W]ith [regard to] the Seven Mitzvos: The time has come to prepare the world for Moshiach. This includes making it a "settled place" through spreading the Seven Mitzvos.

    --Purim, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 25, p. 7.

    [I]nfluencing non-Jews to keep their mitzvos, the Seven Noachide Laws... will assist our task of making the world into a dwelling place for G-d, and help bring about the arrival of Moshiach.

    --Purim, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 3.

    "He did not create it (to be) a waste land, He formed it to be inhabited (and civilized)" (Yeshayahu 45:18). This can only be when all humanity lives justly and righteously. This of course is the theme of the Seven Noachide Commandments with their accompanying laws and ramifications. Consequently, it is obvious and self-evident that in modern times we must carry out the Divine Command we received through Moshe: "To compel all human beings to accept the commandments enjoined upon the descendants of Noach."

    --Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 75.

    In order that the entire world should be orderly, it is essential that each and every one of the "seventy nations" should be influenced so that they will work on settling the world. It is insufficient for only one nation to be acting properly.

    --Hisvaduyos 5750 1:395, cited in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 388.

  5. Why has Moshiach not yet been revealed, despite official announcements that he should already have appeared years ago?
  6. It is decades after these proclamations, and nevertheless, Moshiach still has not come. I have searched and searched for an explanation for this, and the only answer I've found is the following. In previous generations, since haNassi hu hakol ("the Nassi is everything") it was possible to rely on the Nassi's efforts. However, after so long, when even the Previous Rebbe's proclamation has passed and Moshiach still hasn't come, the only possibility is that every single Jew must be involved in bringing the redemption.... This is also the other reason for the stress on the Seven Mitzvos. Since the world has changed, and Moshiach has nevertheless not come, every individual must do everything possible to hasten his coming.

    --Purim, 5747, Sichos in English, vol.35, p.6.

    The speeding of the true and complete redemption depends on this [the dissemination of the Seven Noachide Laws].

    --Hisvaduyos 5750 2:18, cited in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 385.

  7. Did the Rebbe indicate that there is a danger in putting off the Noachide campaign?
  8. In these critical times, when nations are challenging one another and violence is increasing in an unbelievable manner, the Jews have the power to bring about peace in the entire world.... Ideally, a Jew should stand proudly before the gentiles and explain to them the Seven Noachide Laws, emphasizing that they should be carried out not because they appear to be logically sound, but because G-d commanded them.... When a Jew carries out mitzvos with pride, a non-Jew stands in awe of him and, hence, will not consider war.

    --Yud Tes Kislev, 5743, Sichos in English, vol. 13, p.19, 33.

    ["Could a holocaust take place in America?" Answer:] Early tomorrow morning.

    --Swados, Harvey, "He could melt a blizzard," New York Times, June 14, 1994.

    There is, of course, no need to emphasize to you the importance of promoting these Seven Noachide Commandments among gentiles. In our day and age, it does not require much imagination to realize that, by way of example, had these Divine Commandments been observed and adhered to by all "Children of Noach," namely the nations of the world, individually and collectively, there would not have been any possibility, in the natural order of things, for such a thing as a Holocaust.

    --"Letter to Chaplain Brig. Gen. Israel Drazin," Erev Shabbos Kodesh Bereshis, 5747, Hal Boi HaOlam, p.395.

    [T]here was a time when we did not reach out to the gentiles to encourage them to observe the Seven Noachide Laws.... In our generation things are different. There is no danger involved in this activity, and to the contrary, such activity will increase the respect that the nations show us, for they will realize that Jews care not only about their own welfare but also about the good of all humanity and the whole world.

    --Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 5747, Sichos in English, vol.35, p.75.

    This phenomenon adds much momentum to the efforts of convincing the citizens of the world to observe the Seven Noachide Laws. When the President proclaims its importance it is easier to encourage average people to accept it and so the opportunity must not be lost. It also provides us with a clear sign from Above that there is no time to lose in teaching the gentiles of the world about G-d.

    --Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 76.

  9. Aren't we busy enough working with Jews? Can we really afford to divert time and money to the campaign to transform the gentiles?
  10. [T]he Rambam uses the expression, "lakuf ("to forcefully influence") all inhabitants of the world to accept the Noachide commands." Although obviously one must do this in a pleasant, gentle, and peaceful way, it still must be done with persistence. If you have already tried several times, try again nevertheless. We frequently see that although people are sometimes spoken to five times, they do not change until they hear it a sixth time!

    --Purim, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 4.

    Sorry to say, it appears necessary to protest against those who have the attitude and are voicing the opinion that they simply could not be bothered and that they have no time for [convincing the citizens of the world to observe the Seven Noachide Laws]. Remember, the Rambam rules that this was commanded by G-d through Moshe--can anyone gainsay (contradict) this command?!

    --Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 5747, Sichos in English, vol.35, p.76.

  11. Should Jews be directly involved in teaching gentiles?
  12. Many thanks for the good news [your letter] contained, particularly about our talks and lectures on the Seven Noachide Commandments on a number of occasions, and that these were well received, even enthusiastically. I am certainly gratified that you intend to continue doing so.

    --Letter to Chaplain Brig. Gen. Israel Drazin, Erev Shabbos Kodesh Bereshis, 5747, Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 395.

    "All the gentile nations will flock to [the Beis Hamikdash], and many peoples will go...." And similarly, also during the end of golus, "Beis Rabbeinu Shebe'Bavel" [770] "will be called [a house of prayer] for all peoples."

    --Kuntres Beis Rabeinu Sheb'BaveI," Sefer HaSichos 5752 2:475.

  13. Did the Rebbe demand that shluchim, who already have their entire days filled with helping Jews, also carve out time for non-Jews?
  14. Someone might wish to complain: "and is this [the Noachide Campaign] all that we're lacking? There are so many things which need our attention! Obviously, this complaint cannot be taken seriously. By the same reasoning, you could do away with all 613 mitzvos, G-d forbid! Ask someone to do a mitzvah, and he can reply, "But there's something else important that I'm attending to!" And this is not just a theoretical answer--it's something we see on a daily basis. People claim that they don't need to do mitzvos because they give charity! True, charity is a great; but does that exempt one from doing the others? With this reasoning, a person could even say, "But I'm doing mitzvos by helping other Jews--I have no time to ever think about G-d!" Therefore we must be concerned with all the mitzvos--in this case, spreading the Noachide commandments.

    --Purim, 5747, Sichos in English, vol.35. pp. 4-5

    Through the shluchim [in addition to their work with Jews], it is also essential to spread goodness, righteousness, justice, and uprightness among the nations of the world through the fulfillment of the Seven Noachide Laws.

    --Hisvadayos 5752 2:364, cited in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol Bio Ha'Olam, p. 385.

  15. Did the Rebbe ever indicate that a shliach will be successful if he works with non-Jews?
  16. We must therefore deduce that this is an auspicious time to conquer the world with Torah and Yiddishkeit in a pleasant and peaceful way: "All the land is before you." (Bereshis 13:9).

    --"Conquer the World with Torah: A Message to the Shluchim Convention," 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 33, p.270.

    The Seven Laws must be explained in a way that the nations can relate to and, because non-Jews do not possess genuine free will, they will be willing to change more quickly and easily than a Jew.

    --Hisvaduyos 5748 3:183, cited in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 385-386.

    When the gentiles see how the Jews, despite all difficulties, follow the path which they were commanded by G-d, they will grant greater assistance to the Jews in order to facilitate the completion of their mission. Similarly, when the gentiles see the Jews making efforts to teach gentiles the Seven Noachide Laws, they will grant the Jews greater respect. The efforts of the Jews in such activities, without any thought of recompense, only because this is one of the commandments they were given by G-d, will motivate their neighbors to such feelings. Even though the respect given by the gentiles will facilitate the service of the Jews, the Jews must realize how their service comes as a response to G-d's command.

    --"Address to N'Shei Ubnos Chabad," 26th day of Elul, 5746, Sichos in English, vol. 32, p 207.

  17. Did the Rebbe ever privately contradict his hundreds of sichos and letters demanding full Jewish participation in an aggressive Noachide campaign?
  18. I have insisted again and again not to pay attention to any rumors about what I allegedly have said. Only my written statements are to be believed.

    --Paraphrase of well-known warning by the Rebbe

  19. Did the Rebbe give any practical advice on how to carry out the Noachide campaign?
  20. Advertisement: The G-dly radiance also illuminates the gentile nations of the world, who become acquainted with Torah, when it is translated into the 70 languages. These efforts should start with information directed to the nations of the world to teach them to observe the Seven Noachide Laws, which will serve as a preparation for the promise of the future. "So that all the nations of the earth shall know the L-rd is G-d, there is none else."

    --Simchas Torah, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 33, p.178.

    Learning from other Shluchim: Practically speaking, many Shluchim have found success in certain activities from which others may learn. This should also include activities which promote righteousness and uprightness among the nations of the world by observing the Seven Noachide Principles (commandments). There should be discussion as to how to increase and expand activities in this area.

    --"Conquer the World with Torah: A Message to the Shluchim Convention," 5747, Sichos in English, vol.33, p. 266.

    Torah Learning: The Mishna states that "Any person who says a [Torah] idea in the name of its author [including a non-Jew] brings Redemption to the world." This is because non-Jews are also enjoined in the mitzvah of Torah study (in the areas in which they are obligated).

    --Hisvaduyos 5748 4:39, cited in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 388.

    The effect on the gentile nations is especially seen through translations of Torah--including the inner, mystical aspects of Torah, which are revealed in Chasidic thought--in the "seventy" languages of the non-Jews. Such translations were also carried out specifically for non-Jews, so that they can study the concepts of belief in G-d, Divine Providence, etc.

    --Hisvaduyos 5750 1:148; Hisvaduyos 5748 4:267, fn. 54 cited in Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 374.

    Establishing Schools for Non-Jews: Our Nassi's Shluchim follow a different route. Since he was sent to do a job in a particular place, he must begin by speaking individually with the inhabitants of that place, and he informs them that he is there to work with them and for them. He wants to help them improve their Yiddishkeit, justice and righteousness. His help is extended to them, their spouses, children, friends, etc., even to the non-Jewish inhabitants of the area. Therefore, he approaches them to help establish an educational facility which will benefit them and their community and which will be part of, and which they must help along.

    --"Conquer the World with Torah: A Message to the Shluchim Convention," 5147, Sichos in English, vol.33, pp. 266-267.

    Encouraging the abandonment of Christianity: "...according to the known Jewish legal ruling that Christians are idol worshippers.

    --Likutei Sichos 37:198, from a letter of the Rebbe dated 26 Iyra, 5726, cited in Kol Boi HaOlam, p. 389.

    Praying in front of non-Jews: [T]he Jews have been given a special mission to teach the gentiles the Seven Noachide Laws which are intended to spread peace and equilibrium throughout the world. Furthermore, a Jew is always conscious of the existence of G-d, Who controls every aspect of the world and watches each deed performed by a Jewish person. Therefore, before he does anything to benefit from the world, he recites a blessing that can be heard by all those around him, even gentiles. When a gentile hears a Jew make a blessing this makes an impression on him as well; for example, it will prevent him from stealing for he will always remember that there is a G-d watching every aspect of his behavior. In this manner, our acts can add to the proliferation of peace and justice in the world.

    --"Address to N'shei Ubnos Chabad," 26th day of Elul, 5746, Sichos in English, vol. 32, p. 205.

    Teaching non-Jews to Pray: Non-Jews should be encouraged to pray properly and regularly.

    --Paraphrase from 11th Nissan, 5745, on video.

    Chanukah: At such a propitious time we should not forget our non-Jewish compatriots. Since a public menorah has a message for all members of society, we should utilize the opportunity to encourage all people to learn and observe the Seven Noachide Laws. The light of the Menorah illuminates the public domain and neutralizes the "rebellious footsteps." It also provides an opportunity to urge humanity to fulfill the Seven Noachide Laws because they are G-d's commandments for mankind. Life according to the Seven Noachide Principles will be free of any rebelliousness against social laws, congruous with the message of the Menorah.

    --"Compilation of talks from week of Chanukah," 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 34, p. 45.

    Purim: It is also an auspicious time to make other resolutions regarding increasing in Torah and mitzvos. This also includes influencing non-Jews to keep their mitzvos, the Seven Noachide Laws. This also has a special connection with Purim, since the miracle of Purim also affected non-Jews, to the extent that, as said in the Megillah, "many from the non-Jewish nations decided to become Jews."

    --Purim, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 3.

    Rambam's Birthday: In light of the Rambam's extraordinary devotion to teaching the Seven Commandments to non-Jews and assisting them with their spiritual and physical needs, non-Jews should be encouraged to celebrate his birthday (the 14th of Nissan). We must exert every effort to organize meetings and celebration throughout the world, and even very minor ideas should not be overlooked, such as printing a commemorative stamp of the Rambam. These activities should include teaching all relevant portions of the Rambam's writings to non-Jews, including Guide for the Perplexed and various sections of Mishneh Torah.

    --Paraphrased from 11th Nissan, 5745, on video.

    Rosh Hashanah: May our prayer of Rosh Hashanah be answered: "Reveal Yourself in the majesty of Your glorious might over all the inhabitants of Your terrestrial world." Rosh Hashanah Machzor. This is the ultimate realization of the purpose of creation to make the world a dwelling place for G-d. This will actually take place at the close of the diaspora period when we will enjoy the light of G-dliness in the darkness of the golus.

    --Rosh Hash., 5757, Sichos in Engl., vol. 33, p. 7.

    All the above-the "new light" drawn down on Rosh Hashanah and the happiness of the holiday of Sukkos-are not confined to Jews alone, but rather are related to the entire world. Indeed, the complete expression of G-d's Kingship is when G-d is accepted as King; not only over the Jewish people, but over the entire world. We see a parallel to this on the very first Rosh Hashanah. After Adam was created, he proclaimed: "G-d is King, He has garbed Himself with grandeur," accepting G-d as King over himself. Afterwards, he called to the entire creation, "Come, let us prostrate ourselves and bow down; let us bend the knee before the L-rd, our Maker," crowning His as King of the world at large.

    --1st Night of Sukkos, 5757, Sichos in English, vol. 33, pp. 75-76.

    "All that HaShem created in this world, He created only for His own glory," (to proclaim His glory in the world). "To make the world an abode for HaShem" is the duty of every Jew, and as we say at the beginning of the prayers: "Offer praise to the L-rd, proclaim His Name; make His deeds known among the Nations." So Rosh Hashanah teaches us that we must, first of all, make Him King over us, King of the Jews, but it must be followed by prayer and effort to make his Kingship known in all the world, and pray to HaShem: "Reign over the entire world in Your Glory." The end purpose of Creation is that (not only we Jews, but also) the whole world, all mankind, all children of Adam, the first man, indeed, the whole of Creation, nature itself, should acknowledge that the Creator of the world is the "King of all the earth."

    --"Letter to B'nai Yisrael," Chai Elul, 5746, Sichos in English, vol. 32, pp. 154-155.

    Sukkos: [T]he seventy bulls offered as mussaf sacrifices throughout the holiday of Sukkos correspond to the seventy nations of the world. Each day the number of bulls sacrificed decreased indicating how the "goyishe" tendencies of the gentiles must always decrease and how it is necessary for them to take on a different identity, one associated with the fulfillment of the seven commandments given to Noach and offering aid and assistance to the Jewish people.... Also, this is associated with the Haftorah read this morning which mentions the Messianic prophecy describing how the holiday of Sukkos will be celebrated by all the nations. Similarly, our celebration of Simchas Bais Hashoevah will also have an effect on the gentiles. Not only will they not disturb the celebrations, they will assist in preparing the celebrations. Furthermore, they will be inspired to participate by standing on the side and clapping and the like.

    --2nd night of Sukkos, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 33, pp. 88-89.

    This also implies involving others (even gentiles) in the celebration. Not only must they witness the rejoicing, but they must also take part in the celebrations and attain the unique level of joy appropriate for the present evening.

    --6th night of Sukkos, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 33, p. 139.

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