Bi-Weekly Newsletter of Judaic Theocracy
Week of 11 Adar I, 5768 / February 17, 2008
Editor: Boruch (Bryan) Ellison
"Issues of World War III" Survey
"How should parents deal with vaccinations for their children?" The clear majority of responding readers didn't seem to trust vaccines in the slightest, and recommended they be banned; the minority preferred caution but did not reject vaccines altogether. No one who answered this question considered vaccination an unqualified positive of modern medicine.
Factual Background:
It is no coincidence that the medicine man in many pagan societies, including primitive Indian tribes, was also its idolatrous priest. The beliefs and practices of medicine powerfully shape religious beliefs, for there is nothing more mystical than questions of disease and health. The pagan idolater, who believes G-d is remote and uninvolved in the physical world, leaving its daily affairs to the control of capricious gods (the free-willed forces of nature), will view his diseases as the arbitrary outcome of battles between the spirits, the result of a lack of appeasement of one god or another; the atheist will see his diseases as nothing but the coincidental products of a random, amoral universe that must constantly be battled with one remedy after another; and the true monotheist will see his health as a blessing, a reward from G-d, and disease as the result of a moral lacking that reduces healthy resistance.
In other words, atheism sees health as a lack of disease, whereas monotheism sees disease as a lack of health (paganism being somewhere in between).
The Amaleki underground forever seeks to drive the world into atheist, Satanic rebellion against G-d. And it understands well how medical practice shapes a person's religious outlook. The Amaleki revolutionaries wish people to see disease as an attack from G-d on an otherwise healthy body, rather than seeing health as a blessing from G-d on an otherwise diseased, dying body.
The network of Amaleki subversives burst into the forefront in France in 1789. The French Revolution murdered the scientists of the nation, and then proceeded to craft a new, inverted approach to medicine known as "public health," which pushed the atheist notion of a person's constant need to battle off attacking diseases with endless remedies, each one barely able to plug another developing leak in the body's defenses.
Vaccination had just been discovered, long before the role of germs in causing infectious disease was understood. The Public Health revolutionaries seized on the notion of having to inoculate every person against smallpox, lest it wipe out the population. Advocates of the French Revolution pushed smallpox vaccination throughout Europe and the United States (where it received less enthusiastic backing). But in England, the procedure became widespread, and then law. And yet the more it was used, the less effective it seemed to be. Vaccinated populations suffered increasingly virulent epidemics of smallpox disease, which now preyed on people whose delicate, sheltered bodies had not been exposed to the germ in the normal manner, and had nothing but antibodies left to fend off the disease. The vaccine had created a fragile, illusory immunity that ultimately broke down.
After germs were found to cause many diseases in the late 1800s, Public Health activists aggressively promoted vaccination against every major epidemic tuberculosis, flu, polio, tetanus, whooping cough, measles and then claimed full credit for the gradual disappearance of each of those diseases as major killers. Yet they rarely or never subjected those vaccines to controlled, double-blind studies that would prove their effectiveness, instead relying on distorted and manipulated statistics to "prove" vaccine successes.
It is true that the average life expectancy of people in the industrial world rapidly increased from the 1700s into the twentieth century, and that the increased health and survival was the result of a dramatic decline in death from infectious disease specifically (as opposed to cancer, heart disease, etc.). But a more objective look at the statistics shows that the decline in germ-related disease and death took place almost entirely before the advent of vaccines or other treatments, and was completely unaffected by the availability of the vaccines!
To put things simply, the populations of industrializing nations had developed increased health a stronger, more robust ability to fend off disease for some reason other than vaccines or other anti-disease treatments.
To this day, vaccines have rarely been subjected to proper scientific testing, and when they have, it always shows their utter ineffectiveness or, in some cases, the vaccines actually seem to cause increased disease incidence.
But the Public Health movement wasn't going to let science get in its way. Agents of the world revolution continued to promote vaccination everywhere. The Fabian-Socialist movement used funding and Machiavellian politics to promote vaccines and other Public Health objectives in America, largely through "philanthropic" fronts such as the Rockefeller Foundation, and eventually established legal obligations to vaccinate one's children. Revolutionary regimes, including the Nazi Party in Germany (NSDAP), the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), and other Communist or Marxist rulers throughout the world have forced mass vaccinations on their populations. And the Communist-front, Soviet-controlled United Nations (UN) and its World Health Organization (WHO) continue to push vaccination campaigns throughout the Third World, despite or rather, because of the constant failure of those campaigns to reduce disease and increase life expectancy.
A growing movement of parents, especially in the United States, has been learning some of the science behind bogus vaccine claims, realizing that vaccines don't work and may even be dangerous in some cases. Struggling to contain the growing rebellion, Public Health agents have tried to divert the anti-vaccine movement into blaming diseases such as autism on vaccines, or even merely onto contaminants (such as mercury) in those vaccines thus giving the Public Health authorities the maneuvering room to remove the mercury contaminants and thus declare the vaccines "safe and effective." But the real problem is with the vaccines themselves, especially with regard to rapidly developing medical conditions that can harm or cripple vaccinated children.
Relevant Torah Principles:
1) Torah Law requires an ill person to consult a medical doctor and use medical treatments rather than rely on miracles. Torah sages are required to live where they have access to physicians.
2) But that medicine must be honest and in accord with true medical science, not according to propaganda or political agendas. Thus Maimonides, himself both a Torah sage and a physician of the twelfth century, distinguishes in his medical oath between good and bad medicine, and states that the former is dependent on a correct knowledge of science.
3) The Torah alludes to health as a positive strength, a state of the body that wards off disease, rather than being an absence of disease. Health is described as the product of proper nutrition, good psychological attitudes, maintaining loose bowels, and minimizing sexual activity (Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Deios, ch. 4; Kitzur Shulchan Oruch, ch. 32); an example of the body's power of self-healing is the rabbinical advice to leave a tooth cavity alone so that it can heal (Talmud Bavli, Pesachim 113a). Maimonides, in his medical oath, describes health as the harmonious, holistic functioning of the body under the influence of its soul, and disease as the product of the disruption of that harmonious spiritual influence.
4) Therefore the function of a physician is mainly to assist the body in restoring its harmony and balance, rather than fighting off diseases with antagonistic, disease-combatting agents.
5) Furthermore, it is forbidden for a person to take unnecessary risks to his physical well-being, including leaving dangerous objects needlessly lying around or pursuing dangerous sports for entertainment purposes. Thus taking truly useless and ineffective medicine, even if it is not certain that the medicine has dangerous side effects, would be forbidden on the grounds that it could possibly pose an unnecessary danger, no matter how small.
The revolutionary Public Health drive for vaccination is an aspect of psychological warfare, designed to accustom people intuitively to the notion that they must constantly battle against new diseases, fending off impending danger without ever being able to develop healthy robustness that is unaffected by disease in short, to induce a psychological state of hypochondria, a morbid fear of illness. Such a poisonous attitude progressively weakens a person psychologically and renders him susceptible to propaganda that plays on fear and hatred to mobilize the population into revolution and a hostility to one's Creator.
Thus even beyond the danger that some vaccines can pose in a few cases, which itself is sufficient grounds to prohibit such worthless "medicine," it is urgent that every person actively reject vaccination for himself and his children, and work to have it legally eradicated from society altogether. Vaccines provide no medical benefits whatsoever, nor could they, but their psychological and social danger is immense.
And now for this week's survey question:
An Air Force general was recently reprimanded by the Secretary of Defense for publicly opposing the Air Force's policy in acquiring new F-22 fighter planes. Should military personnel be allowed to speak out against their commanders' decisions?
(1) No, insubordination threatens the military chain of command.
(2) Yes, dissent is a healthy part of the political process.
(3) Whether or not they're allowed, military personnel must be prepared to rebel against certain orders.
(4) Other
If the above links don't work, send your response to survey@noahide.com and manually type in your answer.
Only one answer per e-mail address will be accepted; only e-mail addresses on our subscription list are eligible. Please send your input by Tuesday, March 4th, 2008, 12pm PST.
Subversion Alert
This week: Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen, part 2
Even when he's not representing Israel's treasonous chief rabbinate, Rabbi Cohen uses his own position as chief rabbi of the city of Haifa to betray Judaism to Soviet Russia's grand design for interfaith merger into a "New World Order" super-religion.
Just two years ago, in April of 2006, Rabbi Cohen turned up at a large ecumenical gathering at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. With the long list of Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and other leaders in attendance a number of them with direct Communist ties there was no mistaking the subversive agenda for both interfaith destruction of religion and Marxist revolution. Here's just a wee little sampling of the notorious figures at the meeting:
- Peter Feng, a Catholic "bishop" in Red China who was trained and appointed by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in its phony, controlled "church." All such religious leaders in Communist countries are agents of the secret police.
- Mary Ann Walsh, a nun representing the perpetually Marxist U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, head of the phony Syrian Orthodox church in Aleppo, Communist Syria. He must unquestionably be a Communist and an agent of the Syrian secret police.
- Alexander Abramov of the Soviet KGB-controlled Russian Orthodox Church. As a priest in that "church" and representative to the United Nations of the World Russian People's Council, you can be 110 percent sure he is a Communist Party member and an agent of the KGB/FSB secret police.
- Sunday Mbang of the World Methodist Council, USA, part of the Soviet KGB-front World Council of Churches (WCC).
- Ann Riggs of the National Council of Churches (NCC), another Communist-front organization closely tied to the Soviet-controlled WCC, and which displays its radical Marxist stripes in no uncertain terms.
- Robert Edgar, also of the NCC.
- Sallama Shaker of the Foreign Ministry of Communist Egypt. That itself means he is a dedicated, ruthless Communist working directly under Soviet Russian control.
- Sayyid Syeed, secretary-general of the Islamic Society of North America. Despite its name, the Islamic Society is anything but Muslim; it openly champions the cause of Marxist PLO revolution to annihilate Israel and create a PLO state, raises money for the Communist PLO, and acts as a platform for the open championing of Hamas and Hezbollah, both fronts for the PLO.
- E.J. Dionne of the Brookings Institution, a Fabian-Socialist "think tank" under the longtime control of the subversive network headed by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- Katherine Marshall of the World Bank, which is closely tied to the Soviet-controlled United Nations and acts as a funnel for U.S. and European monies to promote Socialism and Communist revolution throughout the world. The World Bank has always been controlled by Communist agents and Fabian Socialists, and is a leading channel for aid to the PLO.
- Mark Pelavin of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. The Reform movement was quite literally founded by what later came to be known as the Communist League, the predecessor of the Communist International and the group of which Karl Marx was an agent. The Reform movement is not a part of Judaism in any way; its "conversions," "marriages," "divorces," and other actions are completely invalid under Jewish Law, and have been recognized as such by orthodox rabbis for nearly two centuries; and its agenda consists largely of Marxist advocacy loosely disguised in Jewish terminology.
- Judith Hertz of the Union for Reform Judaism, the official body uniting the Reform movement in America.
- and many more, just as repulsive as these.
And, as stated above, the traitorous Rabbi Cohen, eagerly betraying Judaism to this Satanic forum for the creation of a world anti-religion in the service of the Kremlin.
The fact that Rabbi Cohen is a prominent leader in the Temple Movement, itself closely affiliated with both the Communist-front Root and Branch Association and the phony "Sanhedrin," reveals much about the interfaith agenda of the "Sanhedrin" as well as the Temple Movement. Despite posturing to the contrary, there's nothing orthodox-Jewish about Rabbi Cohen or any of these organizations.
To be continued
(Note: The underground Communist apparatus and its aboveground tentacles are actively engaged in subversion in all sectors and institutions of society today. Its agents would dearly love to know the full extent of our information, which would assist their disinformation efforts. Consequently, we do not divulge all our facts or sources. These profiles are intended only as a warning to the wise to monitor the individuals and groups exposed here, and to avoid their influence.)
This Week's Update at Hasidic University
The newest update of our sister site, Hasidic University, features 30 new profiles regarding the Noahide Laws:
- Blasphemy: Seventeen commandments newly listed. Gentiles may bring sacrifices to the Temple, or they may offer them on temporary altars elsewhere (unlike Jews). This raises several issues: the different standards in rejecting blemished animals, what rules govern burnt offerings on temporary altars, whether gentiles can consecrate sacrificial animals, and the rabbinical controversy over whether gentiles may offer the categories of sacrifices known as peace-offerings and flour-offerings.
- Optional: Five commandments newly listed. In sacrificing on temporary altars, gentiles are recommended to include salt and exclude leavening and honey, just like in the Jerusalem Temple.
- Inapplicable: Eight commandments newly listed. Sin-offerings and guilt-offerings are the two categories of sacrifices that gentiles certainly may not offer, and theres a reason.
Eye-Openers in the News
A closer look at recent news reports turns up some revealing gems:
- Was last week's assassination of Hezbollah commander Mughniyah faked? Normally, when Israel takes out a prominent and universally hated terrorist, they openly take credit, or at least remain silent; in this case, Israel denied any role right from the beginning. Arab news media sources also seemed confused, with some suggesting that maybe the Syrians or other Arabs did it. Closer to the truth may be the statement of an Egyptian author, who suggested the whole thing was staged and that Imad Mughniyah remains alive. The "bombing" was conducted in Communist Syria itself, away from any possibility of outside confirmation, and Syrian authorities refused to allow reporters close enough to see Mughniyah's "body" or even whether there were any bodies in the car's wreckage altogether. Certainly Mughniyah and his sponsors in the Communist regimes of Soviet Russia, Syria, and Iran had plenty of good reason to move Mughniyah underground. A top lieutenant of Yassir Arafat in the PLO's elite Force 17 terrorist unit, Mughniyah founded Hezbollah in 1982 as a new label for existing PLO forces, and Hezbollah has ever since functioned as a Lebanese branch of the PLO itself. Hiding Mughniyah could take the heat off him while helping disguise Hezbollah's role as an arm of the PLO, which receives over $1 billion in U.S. aid each year.
- Suspicious links emerge in the shooting at Northern Illinois University. Shooting rampages by suicidal young men aren't nearly as random as the news media portrays them. Steve Kazmierczak, the student who last week shot fellow students before killing himself, was by all accounts a serious Leftist using "social work" as cover for advocating the release of criminals and terrorists from prison using psychiatric justifications which just happens to fit the open agenda of the National Lawyers' Guild (NLG), the legal front of the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA). Moreover, Kazmierczak was confirmed to have been on psychiatric medications (probably anti-depressants) apparently for quite some time. That toxic combination, of the Marxist politics of hate together with brain-distorting, depression-inducing psychiatric drugs, finally proved lethal. As the use of psychiatric drugs grows, you can expect to see more such murderous rampages break out everywhere.
- Earthquakes in Israel may be warning signs. Last week, Israel experienced two strong earthquakes just days apart. And those followed on the heels of another one just months ago. Torah traditions, in such sources as the Midrashim, teach us that earthquakes are a sign of impending judgment by G-d and a warning to do teshuvah (repentance), as they were for years preceding the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Too many religious, right-wing Israelis have been refusing to learn the lesson of growing PLO terrorism and, despite growing awareness of JAHG-USA's PLO-defunding campaign, continue to ignore their responsibility to participate. Citing other "right-wing" or "religious" activities as alternatives to JAHG-USA activism, or hiding behind the fact that one's friends are not participating, will not protect those who should know better. Refusing to sign up and volunteer with the only project that can actually interfere with terrorism and save lives is a way of inviting Divine wrath upon oneself (G-d forbid!).
Visit the volunteer page for the JAHG-USA PLO-defunding campaign at www.plo.attacreport.com/volunteer.htm today, and have family and friends do the same. Don't ignore the warning signs; join the campaign and help transform the imminent revelation of G-d's Hand into the open and revealed blessing of victory over the enemy.
We need more volunteers, Israeli as much as American, to approach nervous, spineless "refusenik" rabbis to ask them why they refused, and to lobby them to change their mind. With even just a little pressure, we can quickly turn many of them to endorse the PLO-defunding campaign. Let us know that you're ready to help by visiting our volunteer page at
Terrorism Update:
Summary of PLO-related terror attacks these last two weeks, Wednesday, February 6, through Tuesday, February 19:
- Palestine Liberation Movement (Fatah): Imad Mughniyah was a top member of Yassir Arafat's Force 17 elite terror unit, in which capacity he founded Hezbollah as a front name for PLO forces to allow them to remain behind in Lebanon in 1982. Hezbollah, in other words, is little more than an alternate name for a Lebanese branch of the PLO's main Fatah group. Several days ago, Fatah officially commemorated its ongoing ties to its Hezbollah wing by creating yet another militia, the Cells of Martyr Mughniyah. The new Cells celebrated the occasion by taking official "credit" for a sniper attack on a bus full of civilians. The money and professional training for the operation, and possibly even the gun and bullets, came from America.
Under the names of its other, older militias, such as the Ahmad Abu ar-Rish Brigades and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah spent American taxpayer dollars on a rampage of firing Qassam missiles and mortar shells mostly at civilians, of course. Too excited to stop, they also used anti-tank missiles, grenades, and guns in various attacks, including a sniper attack on yet another bus full of civilians.
Fatah got free publicity by taking official responsibility for these particular attacks, the Bush Administration was able to finance and help its PLO friends push the revolution along, and the American taxpayer was spared the burden of having to carry around a heavier wallet.
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP): The PLO's second largest group launched plenty of Qassam missiles of its own into residential neighborhoods. That's a foretaste of what they have in mind for American cities; the PFLP is openly Marxist-Leninist, boasting that the PLO revolution is just part of the world Marxist revolution to turn all nations into zones of Communist occupation, and is supported by Soviet Russia through such pleasant regimes as that in North Korea.
In the name of world revolution, the PFLP joined with Fatah in firing anti-tank missiles at Israeli soldiers, lobbed mortar shells from the Gaza Strip, and made at least one sniper attack by Gaza that one jointly with the Islamic Jihad, despite the openly stated goal of the PFLP to abolish Islam and all other religions. The Islamic Jihad certainly isn't Islamic.
- Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP): A branch of the PFLP, the DFLP is just as openly Marxist-Leninist as its parent organization, albeit with more of a leaning toward the tactics of former Chinese Communist dictator Mao tse-Tung. The DFLP participated eagerly in the Qassam missile-launching business, as well as grenade attacks and gun battles with Israeli troops, often together with the non-Islamic Islamic Jihad.
The DFLP was careful to take credit only for attacks on soldiers, not on civilians. The group has good reason to be nervous ever since the 9/11 attacks on America, when a number of the 19 hijackers proudly wore the red headbands that symbolize their DFLP membership while the DFLP itself publicly took credit until its leaders saw the handwriting of doom on the wall and retracted credit later that same morning. The DFLP fully advocates terrorism against civilians and has a long history of conducting suicide attacks, but they're not yet sure the American public has learned to forgive and forget the 9/11 attacks. So they'll bide their time, receiving American money while plotting their next 9/11.
- Islamic Jihad Movement: Despite its tiny size, this semi-official member group of the PLO claimed credit for a dizzying array of Qassam missiles, anti-tank missiles, mortar shellings, bombings, ambushes and gun battles, and a knifing attack. It was all out of proportion to its theoretical resources unless you understand that the Jihad is operated by Fatah commanders and receives its share of American dollars through the PLO. That means that when Fatah orders it to step in front and take credit for Fatah attacks, the Islamic Jihad obeys without hesitation. Using the Jihad as diversion is a major reason the PLO doesn't formally incorporate the group under its umbrella, although the Jihad has full representation on the PLO's ruling council.
- Popular Resistance Committees (PRC): The PLO's Fatah conducted quite a few attacks through this front group, founded and run by Fatah commanders as an umbrella for coordinating the Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Using the PRC label, Fatah terrorists fired volleys of Qassam missiles and mortar shells, and engaged Israeli soldiers in at least one gun battle.
- Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas): Not an official PLO member group but supplied with a steady stream of PLO members, guns, and money, Hamas seemed to participate in every type of terrorist attack and then some. In fact, several times these last two weeks Hamas was caught trying to take credit for attacks conducted by other groups after those other groups had already taken credit, including Qassam missiles fired by the Islamic Jihad and sniper fire by the PRC and the DFLP. On top of that, Hamas took credit for Qassam missile firings, bombings, and enormous (staggering) numbers of mortar shellings that never even took place, judging by the consensus of news media reports! The whole thing was a media circus, with Hamas later issuing equally fantastic, nonsensical claims that retroactively contradicted its own earlier numbers.
Why the clown act? It all had to do with the fact that the Israeli government formally restated its policy of automatically blaming Hamas for all terrorism emanating from the Gaza Strip, regardless of which groups actually do the attacks. So the PLO officially gets off the hook and continues to receive U.S. funding (which it generously shares with Hamas, of course) while the news media issues a torrent of disinformation blaming Hamas for virtually all terrorism, giving the Olmert government and the Bush Administation their excuse for aiding the PLO. Hamas plays the "bad" terrorists as opposed to the PLO's "good" terrorists, but the reality is, of course, that the PLO runs the Gaza Strip and merely uses the Hamas label as diversion.
So in our statistics we counted the Hamas claims of terrorism to the extent that those claims fit other news media reports of actual terrorist attacks, but we certainly did not count several of its most bizarre and unconfirmed claims.
- Free People of the Galilee: This group, struggling to bring Communist "liberation" to the non-palestinian Arabs of Israel, took credit for a drive-by shooting that injured two people. Despite its murky origins and apparently unknown leadership, the group's overt alliance with the PLO leaves no doubt it's another glove on the PLO hand.
- Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK): In its struggle to "liberate" Kurds, this Communist party of Turkish Kurds had to force Kurdish store owners to participate in a protest against their own Turkish government. Those who didn't cooperate found their shop windows smashed and their stores destroyed. The PKK's war against Kurds in the name of "liberating" them is an exact reflection of its PLO founders, who wage war against Arabs, including palestinians, in the name of "liberating" them. In both cases, the object is simply to carve out Communist-controlled enclaves in Turkey and Israel as bases for Soviet Russian armies, in preparation for a massive invasion in World War III.
The Bush Administration, dominated by the Fabian Socialist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), is working around the clock to override American sympathy for Israel and instead to assist the Communist PLO revolution. Now is the time to throw a monkey wrench in the machinery of betrayal. Find out how you can help JAHG-USA's PLO-defunding campaign by visiting our site, www.plo.attacreport.com/volunteer.php.
Casualty count for these last two weeks (not counting dead & injured terrorists):
- Successful (caused by 14 Qassam missiles, 1 mortar shell, 1 bombing, 3 firebombings, 7 shooting attacks, 1 knifing, at least 16 stone-throwing attacks, & 1 arson): 1 DEAD; 24 INJURED; 4 Israelis, and at least 4 palestinian Arabs, remaining KIDNAPPED from earlier; at least 6 homes, 1 garage, at least 3 shops, 1 warehouse, at least 3 greenhouses, at least 5 other buildings, at least 8 cars, 5 buses, & 1 chicken coop DAMAGED
- Prevented: at least 7 Qassam missiles; 1 bombing; 1 firebombing; 2 knifings
- Attempted but failed to hit targets: at least 123 Qassam missiles; at least 2 anti-tank missiles; at least 84 mortar shells; at least 8 bombings; at least 26 firebombings; 15 shooting attacks; 5 stone-throwing attacks
(Sources: various Israeli and American news agencies)
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