Note: Our ongoing exposure of subversive forces that have infiltrated and taken control of the Israeli right wing including agents of the Soviet Russian KGB, such as "Sanhedrin" head Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, and agents of Israeli intelligence (itself infiltrated and used by the KGB) who control the media group Arutz-Sheva seems to have struck a nerve. Somebody badly wants to shut down the JAHG-USA message, both in this newsletter and on our sister sites, ATTAC Report and Hasidic University. is an Israel-based e-mail service used by some of our readers. Recently, that service started blocking our e-mail updates to those readers. We contacted lower-level technical support at Walla and had the problem reversed. But soon after, some mysterious pressure came from elsewhere and caused Walla to concoct a totally unrelated justification for again blocking our e-mails (one that is demonstrably false and absurd on its very face), and this time they weren't willing to hear from us to straighten things out.
As anyone who lives in Israel is well aware, Israeli authorities routinely employ censorship, whether openly or by intrigue, against any message they don't like. The official justification is for national security, but in reality the censorship often is directed against Israeli right-wing patriots who are interfering with the surrender to the PLO.
We're not having these problems with any American-based e-mail, which is harder to interfere with (not that the traitors in high places won't keep trying!). So it looks very much like Israel's Olmert government is exerting its reach wherever it can to block JAHG-USA's message. Ultimately, of course, the traitors won't succeed, for G-d is on our side.
JAHG-USA will still be around and mightily successful many years after Olmert and his fellow traitors have lost power.
Bi-Weekly Newsletter of Judaic Theocracy
Week of 27 Shvat, 5768 / February 3, 2008
Editor: Boruch (Bryan) Ellison
"Issues of World War III" Survey
"What can be done to stop the violence in Kenya?" Despite the flurry of recent news coverage on the chaos in that African country, responses to this question were substantially down. Those who did answer were divided between (a) supporting the Kenyan government against its opposition, and (b) blaming both sides, or at least provocateurs in both camps, for the violence. When battle lines between good and evil run through distant countries, especially in culturally remote Africa, too many people disregard the importance of the fight and don't exactly seek to identify the enemy or search for the path to victory.
Yet we are all obligated to drop other priorities, doing instead whatever is necessary to bring the immediate victory of our righteous Moshiach (Messiah) and Torah theocracy over the Satanic forces of Amalek. So for starters, we need to know who's friend and foe in east Africa.
Factual Background:
By some miracle, Kenya is not today a Communist country. But it isn't for lack of trying on the part of the Soviet Bloc.
Other than one border on the Indian Ocean, it's surrounded on all sides by Communist countries Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania. Red Chinese companies and assistance have had a heavy footprint in the Kenyan economy since national independence in 1963. And its founders were dominated by Communists or Communist-influenced revolutionaries. Yet decades of British colonial protection had left behind enough of an imprint, together with the growth of a modest middle class and a high degree of Christian and Muslim religiosity, to have stabilized the society just enough that the Communists have never quite been able to reduce the country to Communist anarchy.
Kenya's first ruler, Jomo Kenyatta, began his career under the mentorship of George Padmore, a Communist Party member from Trinidad. Kenyatta was trained for a time in the 1930s in the Soviet Union, at the school of the Communist International in Moscow, and later continued his studies at the London School of Economics, a front for the fifth-columnist Fabian Socialist Society. Kenyatta associated closely with Ralph Bunche, the associate of numerous Communist-front groups and Soviet agents who infiltrated the Roosevelt-Truman State Department and went on to become Undersecretary General of the United Nations; Paul Robeson, another associate of Communist-front organizations who received the Stalin Peace Prize from the Soviet Union and all but admitted he was a member of the Communist Party, USA; and similar radicals.
Upon returning to Kenya, Kenyatta organized and led tribal savages in what became known as the Mau Mau rebellion. Kenyatta's terrorists murdered not only British colonials, but also thousands of his fellow black tribesmen who refused to join the Communist revolution. By the time Britain allowed Kenya to become independent, Kenyatta and his political party had managed to seize a dictatorial grip on power. But a Communist revolution was somehow never consolidated, and Kenyatta died in 1978 while apparently non-Communist politicians gained the upper hand politically.
Kenya's current president, Mwai Kibaki, participated in the governments of both Kenyatta and his successor and does not appear to be trying to lead Kenya into revolution. But his recent election opponent, Raila Odinga, is the son of one of Jomo Kenyatta's original Communist revolutionaries. Odinga himself is a self-proclaimed Communist who was trained in East Germany, named his son in honor of Fidel Castro, and unsuccessfully tried to overthrow the Kenyan government in 1982.
When Odinga lost the recent election for president, his pre-positioned forces swung into action. Well-trained, highly organized terrorist militias have been rampaging the country for weeks now, randomly attacking civilians in every direction. The revolutionary mobs have been smashing and burning homes and businesses, looting and pillaging property, beating and robbing people, and swarming into villages to stone and hack to death with machetes randomly chosen civilians, in many cases dragging them out of their cars to torture and murder them. Even women and children are being burned alive. Already hundreds of victims lie dead, and the chaos continues.
The revolution is anything but spontaneous. Kenyan police authorities have discovered that the violence was carefully planned before the election, with fliers inciting revolution and ethnic hatred having been circulated widely. Odinga's warriors, who have been using traditional tribal weapons such as bows and arrows, knives, and machetes, were nevertheless pre-equipped with cell phones for rapid communication and coordination of revolutionary actions across wide areas. They had been obviously given professional training and were tightly organized. They had also been pre-supplied with earth-moving equipment and many tons of concrete to erect sudden barriers against police intervention. "This is a full military operation," noted one police official in speaking with the New York Times.
The bulk of the terrorism has been centered in the Rift Valley, suspiciously close to the border with Communist Uganda. It was that same Ugandan regime that supplied Communist Bloc weapons to the Communist forces of Paul Kagame in neighboring Rwanda, enabling them to take over that country in 1994. And it is highly likely Uganda is again functioning as the transshipment route for Soviet KGB logistical support to Odinga's terrorists. Kenya has long been a target of Moscow and Beijing.
Predictably, the pro-Communist leaders of western governments have been pushing Kenya's government to give in to Odinga and his terrorists rather than helping Kenya fight them. The Bush Administration and the U.S. State Department have joined the Leftist British government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown in condemning the victim, Kenya's government, and supporting a diplomatic effort by Communist Ghana to paralyze Kenya's attempts to restore law and order. George Bush and his allies have made no secret of their desire to force Kenya's President Kibaki to bring Odinga, the terrorist leader, directly into a coalition government.
Relevant Torah Principles:
1) Torah Law requires Jews to pray for the peace of gentile governments (Pirkei Avos 3:2), since governmental instability would lead to anarchy and murder. The government need not be following the Noahide Laws, but may rather be both idolatrous and corrupt (being ruled by the forces of Amalek, as in Communist nations, is quite another matter altogether); the point is the maintenance of law and order (this applies only when the Jewish people do not have control over the country to force gentiles to accept the Noahide Laws, of course). Under the Noahide commandment of creating and maintaining justice, gentiles are likewise obligated to pray for governmental stability to prevent revolution.
2) Despite the prohibition on Jews selling weapons to idolaters (Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Avodas Kochavim 9:8), Jews are permitted and even encouraged to provide weapons and other material support to idolatrous, corrupt governments for the sake of maintaining law and order, whenever that would protect Jewish lives and property (Avodas Kochavim 9:9). Both principles would likewise apply to Hasidic Gentiles, again under the Noahide commandment of justice.
3) When the world is faced with a global revolution by the Satanic forces of Amalek, the fall of any gentile nation poses an imminent and substantial danger to Jews all throughout the world. The commandments to hate and exterminate Amalek, once activated by Amalek's launching of war against us, require us to defeat them on all fronts and to hunt them down and root them out from every corner of the earth. The victory of Amaleki forces in even the most remote nation is a crisis that involves every Jew and Hasidic Gentile, as well as all other gentiles.
All western nations must immediately (a) halt all aid to, and trade with, the regimes of the Communist Bloc, which are driving the terrorism in Kenya and severely endangering the existence of that nation's government; (b) provide all necessary support, including aid and weapons, to the embattled government of Mwai Kibaki for the total suppression of the revolt; and (c) move to invade and overthrow all Communist governments in the region, or whatever it takes to bring down those dictatorships and annihilate their remnants. If our current leaders will not follow these policies, we must impeach and remove them from office and replace them with loyal leaders who will.
Failure to do so could create yet another Communist base in east Africa, from which support will flow to the PLO and other terrorist groups that are targeting America, Israel, and all other non-Communist countries. And that is in addition to the genocidal bloodbath that would get underway in Kenya itself.
And now for this week's survey question:
Recent scientific studies are dueling over whether mercury contamination in children's vaccines is a cause of autism. How should parents deal with vaccinations for their children?
(1) Vaccines are dangerous and should be banned.
(2) Stringent regulations are needed to ensure vaccine safety.
(3) Vaccines are safe and effective, and should be used without hesitation.
(4) Other
If the above links don't work, send your response to and manually type in your answer.
Only one answer per e-mail address will be accepted; only e-mail addresses on our subscription list are eligible. Please send your input by Tuesday, February 19th, 2008, 12pm PST.
Subversion Alert
This week: Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen, part 1
In researching the interfaith subversion by Israel's chief rabbis, Yonah Metzger and Shlomo Amar, we stumbled onto yet another major "orthodox" rabbi pushing the interfaith agenda revealing another direct link between the bogus "Sanhedrin" and the ecumenical drive to merge Judaism with other religions and bring them under Soviet Russian control.
Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen is the chief rabbi of Haifa, Israel, and president of the area's rabbinical courts. He also holds an influential committee position directly under Chief Rabbis Metzger and Amar. And he works closely with both chief rabbis in ecumenical religion-merger and in supporting the PLO:
- That interfaith surrender document issued last November before the Annapolis meeting, calling Israel's existence an "occupation" and endorsing George Bush's drive to dismantle Israel in favor of a PLO state? Cohen signed on, together with Metzger and Amar and with a host of Marxist "clergy" of various Christian denominations and Muslim organizations.
That document was even more radically anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish, than we previously realized. On the pro-PLO side, it called for "mutual respect and acceptance in schools and in the media" between Israel and the PLO (obviously, the PLO completely ignores such statements, but Israelis are thereby pressured to stop exposing PLO terrorism); it also endorsed bringing Jerusalem under international (read: United Nations) control. On the interfaith side, the declaration formally condemned any criticism of non-Jewish religions, effectively declaring war on the holy Torah and its mandate to convert gentiles away from false religions to the Seven Noahide Laws (the declaration thus prepares the way for the interfaith merger of Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam into a "New World Order" anti-religion).
- Not only did Cohen fully endorse the entire subversive platform of that document, he personally flew to Washington, DC, along with Metzger and Amar, to meet at the White House and place an "orthodox Jewish" stamp of approval on the betrayal of Israel. That, of course, is known in Jewish Law as a public desecration of G-d's holy Name.
- In July of last year, on behalf of Israel's chief rabbinate (meaning Metzger and Amar), Cohen led a Jewish delegation in participating in an interfaith meeting with representatives of the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican Church. This was part of the series of annual meetings to take place between the two organizations, and Cohen gleefully agreed to continue the betrayal of Torah Judaism in subsequent years. He also signed an ecumenical joint declaration with the bishops, who spoke on behalf of the ultra-Leftist archbishop who leads the Anglican Church.
- In March of last year, Cohen likewise represented Israel's chief rabbis in an ecumenical meeting with representatives of the Vatican the seventh annual conference of the so-called "Bilateral Commission" for Catholic-Jewish interfaith merger. Cohen could hardly contain his enthusiasm for destroying the Torah, serving as co-chairman of the meeting (and, it goes without saying, signing yet another joint interfaith declaration).
Quite apart from his role in Israel's chief rabbinate, Cohen has a long history of leading the way in interfaith subversion. And in working with the phony "Sanhedrin" to promote the same interfaith agenda while crippling Israel's right wing. And in working with Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries in direct assaults against Jewish practices and customs. He's a busy man.
To be continued
(Note: The underground Communist apparatus and its aboveground tentacles are actively engaged in subversion in all sectors and institutions of society today. Its agents would dearly love to know the full extent of our information, which would assist their disinformation efforts. Consequently, we do not divulge all our facts or sources. These profiles are intended only as a warning to the wise to monitor the individuals and groups exposed here, and to avoid their influence.)
This Week's Update at Hasidic University
The newest update of our sister site, Hasidic University, features 30 new profiles regarding the Noahide Laws:
- Idolatry: One commandment newly listed the prohibition on teaching Torah laws while drunk.
- Blasphemy: Two commandments newly listed. The laws of ritual purity restrict how far onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem a gentile may enter thus prohibiting Jews at this time, and non-Jews permanently, from visiting the Dome of the Rock.
- Optional: Three commandments newly listed. Temple incense or anointing oil made by a gentile would be invalid, but he should not imitate them anyway. And we discuss how a gentile should behave toward Levitical priests.
- Inapplicable: Twenty-four commandments newly listed. These are the rules pertaining to service in the Jerusalem Temple, handling of holy items contained in it, garments worn by the Levitical priests, and restrictions on which priests may serve in the Temple (and when). These issues affect the blessings received by the world, but are not handled by anyone outside the Jewish tribe of Levi.
Eye-Openers in the News
A closer look at recent news reports turns up some revealing gems:
- Signs of election fraud are emerging in the U.S. presidential campaign. Eyebrows were raised when Leftist candidate Hillary Clinton raised unprecedented funds from poor Chinese immigrants in New York, at least ten times what they have given candidates in the past. Closer investigation revealed that Clinton didn't exactly ask for the money from the donors directly, but rather worked with "neighborhood associations" run by organized crime, itself run by agents of the Red Chinese secret police. Poor immigrants were "pressured" (i.e., blackmailed) by the front groups to donate far more than they could afford. Using gangland-style tactics like this, Clinton is manufacturing a smoke-and-mirrors illusion of popularity in a nation that despises her for her long-standing Marxist radicalism including her decades-long support for the PLO and other terrorists.
- More climate experts denounce "global warming" as a fraud. NASA, the U.S. federal agency most involved in gathering global climate data, has been trying to justify its budget by announcing "global warming" trends that aren't supported by its data. Many NASA scientists privately consider the whole thing a hoax, and last year NASA head Michael Griffin publicly said so. Leftists in the news media and government howled, and the badly intimidated Griffin backed off and retreated with his tail between his legs. But now he has been joined by meteorologist John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel on cable TV, who is publicly declaring "global warming" to be "the greatest scam in history." Griffin hasn't yet recovered enough manhood to stand up to the Marxist eco-lobby, but perhaps he eventually will as more voices begin speaking up for scientific integrity.
- The writers' strike is revealing Hollywood's dark secret. If you've been allowing your children to watch TV or movies, maybe it's time to reconsider. Recent street scenes of striking members of the Writers Guild of America the people who write scripts for everything from comedies to soap operas show virtually all those writers in their most brazen Marxist stripes. Their symbols including wearing copious, gaudy amounts of bright red clothing, holding signs with their union's logo of the universal Communist clenched fist, and, in fact, waving plenty of their own Communist-style clenched fists. Most unions, despite being Communist-controlled, aren't nearly that overt in their Marxism-Leninism. Now you know why TV and movies are promoting Leftist propaganda, moral degradation, and bad attitudes in general; they're doing it to push the Communist Party's cultural agenda, not because of popular demand.
We need more volunteers, Israeli as much as American, to approach nervous, spineless "refusenik" rabbis to ask them why they refused, and to lobby them to change their mind. With even just a little pressure, we can quickly turn many of them to endorse the PLO-defunding campaign. Let us know that you're ready to help by visiting our volunteer page at
Terrorism Update:
Summary of PLO-related terror attacks these last two weeks, Wednesday, January 23, through Tuesday, February 5 (plus a few extra missiles on Tuesday, January 22):
- Palestine Liberation Movement (Fatah): On its own or with other groups, the PLO's main faction took credit generally in the name of its militias, such as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Al-Mujahidin Brigades, the Battalions of Struggle and Return, and Black September for a long list of Qassam missile firings, mortar shellings, sniper shootings, ambushes, assassinations, and knifings throughout the West Bank, Gaza, and nearby areas. A couple of members of the Al-Aqsa Brigades even managed to infiltrate a high school south of Jerusalem; upon entering a classroom, they pulled out knives and stabbed two people before fast-acting teachers shot them dead (it's a good thing those teachers carry guns, isn't it?).
Yet President George Bush didn't protest this wave of terrorism; in fact, he continued pushing for yet more billions of dollars in financial and military aid to Fatah. Did you know that those tax dollars of yours are paying for professional U.S. military training of Fatah fighters in shooting skills, the same training being put to use against the PLO's Jewish and Arab victims?
Feeling emboldened by Bush's support, Fatah's Al-Aqsa Brigades joined together with the PFLP in pulling off a suicide bombing in southern Israel that killed one woman and injured dozens of other civilians. There was no question who did it; Fatah and the PFLP openly boasted of their joint attack, and they produced prior photos and videos of the suicide bombers standing in front of Fatah banners. Yet within a day, the PLO realized the international news coverage and backlash might be too much, so the PLO's solid ally, Hamas, stepped forward to take "credit" instead. Once again, the PLO needed to use front groups to protect itself, to maintain uninterrupted U.S. aid.
Why does the PLO need so many hundreds of millions of dollars? A recent interview of PLO-connected terrorists revealed that each individual Qassam missile can cost as much as $700 in raw materials to build, in addition to training, assembly, transport, and launch-related equipment. Without American tax dollars, such weapons quickly become prohibitively expensive.
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP): The PLO's largest openly Marxist-Leninist wing, on its own and together with the PRC, similarly took credit for quite a few Qassam missiles and mortar shells. That was in addition to the above-mentioned suicide bombing, of course, which was conducted jointly with Fatah.
The PFLP's close coordination with Fatah means it receives a healthy share of your foreign aid dollars for its deadly work. Keep in mind that PFLP fighters wear bright red clothing, openly wave the Communist hammer-and-sickle emblem, and publicly boast that the PLO revolution against Israel is only one front in a global war of Communist revolution against all countries explicitly including the United States, its financial sponsor.
- Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP): Also an openly Marxist-Leninist PLO faction and an offshoot of the PFLP, the DFLP launched at least one Qassam missile and engaged Israeli soldiers in a shooting ambush. The DFLP is the main group that took credit for the 9/11 attacks on America, and they're still receiving your hard-earned money to the PLO.
- Islamic Jihad Movement: Qassam missiles, mortar shells, a bomb, gun battles with Israeli soldiers the Jihad group managed to dabble in a good amount of almost everything. How did that tiny group pay for it all? Well, first of all, it's operated under the close supervision and coordination of Fatah; secondly, it's a semi-formal member of the PLO (though nominally not yet a full participant). That means the Islamic Jihad shares in the U.S. largesse to the PLO and its Fatah group.
- Popular Resistance Committees (PRC): As nothing more than a front group founded and run by Fatah members for coordinating terrorism without the Fatah name, the PRC also has plenty of access to that American money to the PLO. So on its own or jointly with the PFLP or with its Fatah masters, the PRC boasted of its role in a number of Qassam missile firings and mortar shellings. Almost always at civilians, of course.
- Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas): Though originally founded by Egyptian agents and not yet an official PLO member, Hamas is nonetheless little more than a Fatah front. It is populated by Fatah members, armed with Fatah guns, financed by Fatah with U.S. dollars, and takes Fatah orders. Any disinformation about "fighting" between Hamas and its Fatah sponsor is just that disinformation, invariably originating from PLO sources.
As mentioned above, Hamas took belated credit for the suicide bombing this week (which it definitely did not do). It also claimed to have fired a number of Qassam missiles (possibly true, but more often those missiles come from PLO factions). And it took credit for several shootings or attempted shootings (probably at least partly true). Mainly Hamas functions today as a diversionary name for PLO terrorism.
- Free People of the Galilee: In recent years, this previously unknown group has emerged to carry out several assassinations and violent assaults. Its ideology is openly pro-PLO, its demands are aimed to assist PLO fighters, and it calls for extending the PLO revolution among Israeli, non-palestinian Arabs; you get three guesses who runs the group (and shares money with it). This group took credit for a violent assault on an Israeli soldier that resulted in the theft of his rifle.
- Hezbollah: Shots were fired by drug smugglers at Israeli soldiers at the Lebanese-Israeli border, originating on the Lebanese side. That's Hezbollah territory, and Hezbollah is well known internationally to law enforcement as a major drug-smuggling crime syndicate. The group didn't take credit for the attack, but that shouldn't fool you. And since Hezbollah is a close PLO ally, founded by Yassir Arafat's Force 17 and continuing to coordinate terrorism with its Fatah mother group, you can safely assume some of your tax dollars are spilling over to Hezbollah coffers (or at least providing indirect assistance).
- Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK): Turkish soldiers found themselves in a gun battle with unidentified terrorists in southeastern Turkey. The treasonous Turkish government, which is slowly selling out its country to the revolution of the PKK (the Communist party of Turkish Kurds), bowed to "political correctness" and labeled the terrorists "Al Qaeda" (though the terrorists didn't call themselves by any such name). By sheer "coincidence," the battle took place in the area dominated by PKK fighters (don't tell anyone; it might spoil the "Al Qaeda" story). The PKK continues to receive logistical support from the PLO, which founded the group in the first place to fulfill Yassir Arafat's pledge to overthrow the Turkish government.
The Bush Administration, dominated by the Fabian Socialist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), is working around the clock to override American sympathy for Israel and instead to assist the Communist PLO revolution. Now is the time to throw a monkey wrench in the machinery of betrayal. Find out how you can help JAHG-USA's PLO-defunding campaign by visiting our site,
Casualty count for these last two weeks (not counting dead & injured terrorists):
- Successful (caused by 6 Qassam missiles, 1 suicide bombing, 4 shooting attacks, 3 knifings, at least 21 stone-throwing attacks, 1 riot, & 1 violent assault): 3 DEAD; 50 INJURED; 4 Israelis, and at least 4 palestinian Arabs, remaining KIDNAPPED from earlier; 1 home, 3 factories, at least 18 cars, 3 buses, 1 truck, 1 tractor, & 1 power line DAMAGED
- Prevented: 1 suicide bombing; 1 anti-tank missile; at least 3 bombings; 1 firebombing; at least 2 shooting attacks; 4 knifings
- Attempted but failed to hit targets: 64 Qassam missiles; 1 anti-tank missile; at least 26 mortar shells; 3 bombings; at least 28 firebombings; at least 16 shooting attacks; 4 knifings; at least 23 stone-throwing attacks; 1 violent assault
(Sources: various Israeli and American news agencies)
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