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Special Reports:
Feb. 26, 2012: A New War in the Middle East
Jan. 15, 2012: Will Obama Cancel the 2012 Elections?


The Final War for Jerusalem

Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach

Only slightly more than twenty-five years ago, Israelis and Jews worldwide were still basking in the proud glow of victory. Not only were the holiest sites of Jewish history finally reunited, but Israel's forces held all the strategic ground of the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and the Sinai peninsula. For the first time in the modern world, Arab enemies trembled with fear while the Jewish people stood securely in the most ancient and holy of lands.

Nor was there a restive Arab population in the West Bank or other "territories." Unlike the captive populations of Communist countries throughout the world, palestinian Arabs were free to leave, yet they actually chose to stay—quickly joined by fellow Arabs eager to immigrate—to indulge in the vastly superior living conditions under Israeli rule. This state of peace continued, completely undisturbed, for nearly two decades after the 1967 war.

More than of mere sentimental value, these newly possessed lands proved their immense military value in the surprise attack of Yom Kippur, 1973. Enemy forces were held back long enough for the Israelis to mobilize, effectively neutralizing the Soviet-built Syrian air force while surrounding the Soviet-supplied Egyptian armies. Indeed, so total was the resulting triumph that only the combined efforts of the Nixon administration and Israel's socialist Labor government were able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, barely restraining Israeli forces from occupying Egypt's defenseless capital and liberating that entire nation.

A paradox and a revolution…

But less than five years after this triumph, Israel was already surrendering the vast Sinai region, and with it the strategic buffer and oil reserves so crucial to Israeli military independence, back to the Egyptian government—which was still saturated with members and agents of the Egyptian Communist Party, and which was boasting that this diplomatic reversal would strengthen Israel's enemies.

Within yet another five years after this disgraceful sellout, Israeli forces found themselves having to confront a sophisticated military machine in Lebanon, created and supervised by the Soviet Union and operating under the banner of the terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Despite once again achieving victory, Israel was handed the bitter fruits of defeat when President Reagan rushed in American forces to save Yassir Arafat and his fellow thugs for a future chance to try again.

Less than five years after the Lebanon fiasco, the bloody insurrection known as the intifada began terrorizing the Arab populations of Gaza and the West Bank into submission, murdering husbands and fathers, burning family-owned shops, and disfiguring victims with the cruelest tortures, all performed publicly for the "educational" benefit of helpless palestinian Arabs. Right from the beginning, these riots were meticulously coordinated through a vast network of front groups operated by the Palestinian Communist Party (PCP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)—all three being key members of the PLO umbrella, and all three openly run by Communists for the avowed purpose of creating international revolution.

Within another five years, Israel was reversing its absolute, no-compromise opposition to an international Middle East peace conference, with the Likud prime minister at that time dragging his nation to the talks in Spain. This inexplicable retreat took place despite the well-publicized fact that such a "peace" conference was the brainchild of the Soviet KGB, a key step in the Communist plan to destroy Israel using a two-phase strategy: First, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, the West Bank, and other strategic territories to make room for a PLO state, and second, to bring Soviet and other Communist armies into that PLO area for a decisive invasion of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv—to drive four and a half million Jews, G-d forbid, into the sea. This Soviet plan was conceived under the leadership of Yevgeniy Primakov, head of KGB operations in the Middle East, and officially adopted by the PLO as its operating strategy since 1974; today, Arafat still openly proclaims this two-phase plan to be his goal. Meanwhile, Primakov has been promoted, by the "former" Communist Boris Yeltsin, to the post of Prime Minister of Russia, ruling power of the "former" Soviet Union. Needless to say, the "former" Soviet KGB has been drastically expanded, as has the "ex-Soviet" military, and military aid continues to be sent to Syria, the PLO, etc.

A mere two years after the first "peace" conference, Israel's Labor government was signing the deadly Oslo accords. And today, five years later, the current Likud prime minister has finally dropped his mask of patriotism, rushing to sign further agreements that will ensure the consolidation of a PLO "people's republic" inside strategic Israeli territory. It is little wonder that supporters of the PLO, together with members of the U.S State Department, delightedly announced—only after his election, of course—that Mr. Netanyahu could successfully confuse and divide the Israeli opposition, thus carrying the "peace process" further than the previous Labor government had ever hoped to do.

In a mere twenty-five years, Israel has breathtakingly transformed a victorious peace into an ignominious disaster. War, insurrection, and terrorism are now daily realities inside the heart of Israel, and the vast network of Communist agents are gleefully accelerating the revolution even as they boast of Israel's approaching annihilation. And both major political parties of Israel are actively carrying out the suicide.

Such spectacular reversals never happen spontaneously. Somehow, a relatively few individuals have managed to sow confusion and despair amongst Jews worldwide while evading detection. The moment even a small minority of Jews recognizes the true source of the chaos, the instigators will be finished.

...facing universal opposition....

The dismantling of Israel is the product of psychological warfare, not military conquest. No enemy has the strength to destroy the Jewish people physically—at least not without Jewish consent.

A key to the strategy of Israel's enemies, therefore, has always been to make the revolution appear to have broad, popular support among both gentiles and Jews. This accomplishes several major objectives: (1) The conspirators are thus disguised behind "spontaneous social forces" and protected from retaliation, rendering null all Jewish efforts to stop the insane surrender, (2) confusion and strife spread among the Jewish people, who mistakenly blame the wrong gentiles, and even each other, for the growing crisis, and (3) Jews become increasingly demoralized and willing to make absurd compromises as the advancing revolution seems ever more an "inevitable tide of history."

But in reality, the PLO and its "peace" process have no significant support amongst any people in the world.

That Israeli Jews decisively rejected the surrender policies of the Labor government in 1996 should not be forgotten by us, nor reinterpreted by our enemies. That was a clear vote, not just to stop the further surrender of land, but to abolish the Oslo agreements in their entirety. It is also crucial to remember that the minority of Israeli Jews who voted against Mr. Netanyahu did so not because they wished to continue surrendering land—aside from a tiny fringe, this has never been the goal of any Israeli in thirty years—but rather because of a paralyzing fear of the United States. For the Clinton administration had already made abundantly clear its determination to push Israel into surrender, and its original preference for a Labor government to win the election. Far too many Israelis, feeling dependent on US. economic, military, and diplomatic support, wish only to appease the American government, while blindly hoping that the U.S. State Department does not really intend to build a PLO state on the ashes of the former Israel.

American Jews are also united against the "peace" process, regardless of the desperate attempts of the news media to misrepresent the situation. Although many, or perhaps most, American Jews will outwardly profess their support for the surrender, the reality is only uncovered through personal conversations; consistently, almost every single Jew privately agrees that the "peace" process is moving far too quickly and is presenting a genuine and growing danger to the lives of all Israelis: Again, Jews are reluctantly "playing along" only out of a demoralized belief that world opinion has become an overwhelming and unstoppable force for the surrender of land.

It is, however, a matter of public record that the American population as a whole, meaning the gentiles, are also thoroughly opposed to the "peace" process. Over three-quarters of Americans consistently recognize the PLO for the gang of cutthroat terrorists that it has always been, and the same majority eagerly support cutting off all aid to the PLO and its allies. Nearly two-thirds of Americans describe themselves as "born-again" or fundamentalist Christians, most of whom believe that the coming of the Messiah is imminent (despite their confusion as to his identity), and that, as the Bible clearly prophesied, the forces of evil are waging war against Israel.

Why, then, do Americans allow the betrayal of Israel to continue? Ask them, and you will quickly discover that they believe that all Jews are united in support of the surrender, and that the entire process is now inevitable!

As we have already noted above,the Arab peoples of Israel and the surrounding nations are equally opposed to the PLO. But the terrorists nevertheless capture Arab "support" through terrorism and other forms of intimidation. The helpless Arabs, seeing that America refuses to protect them and that Israel cannot do so, have no choice but to protect their families by voicing their support for the revolution. Similarly, the Arab governments of such countries as Jordan and Saudi Arabia, despite having long wanted to destroy the PLO—which brazenly proclaims its intent to overthrow those governments in favor of Communist dictatorships—also find themselves forced to support their deadliest enemy. To give one small but revealing example, the Saudis seized on the Gulf War as an excuse to stop giving financial aid to the PLO; in 1993, however, the Clinton administration threatened the Saudi government with cuts in U.S. foreign aid unless they immediately restored their full support. The American pressure, naturally, succeeded.

Thus we are faced with a most incredible scenario: No one in the world supports the Israeli surrender, yet everyone feels compelled to play along. Arabs believe the Americans want it; Americans think the Jews want it; and Jews believe that everyone, include their fellow Jews, want it. A phantom is driving the entire world to the brink of an unwanted war, and everyone feels helpless to stop it.

...organized by a handful of conspirators...

The sheer madness of this situation reveals two facts clearly. First, such mass confusion and paralysis can only result from the concerted but hidden efforts of a relatively small network of evil men; second, the governments of America, Israel, and other nations, together with the news media and many other key institutions, can act so defiantly against the wishes of the world populations only because agents of this evil network have already infiltrated the highest ranks of authority, while passing themselves off as loyal, patriotic citizens of their respective countries.

We can also readily see that this evil network advances primarily by deception, not by force—revealing its essential vulnerability to counterattack. Even a small number of opponents, understanding clearly the nature and identity of this enemy, can quickly isolate and neutralize the evil through exposure and decisive action. This is, of course, precisely what the evil men fear so greatly.

So who is this mysterious enemy, who hungers for the destruction of Israel specifically and the Jewish people generally? The answer, as it turns out, is so obvious that we have been looking directly at it without recognizing it.

The open success of the PLO's war against Israel began with the international "peace" conference in 1991. This approximately coincided with parallel breakthroughs for the Communist revolutionaries in South Africa, Ireland, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, and dozens of other countries around the globe. Suddenly, the "death" of Communism in the Soviet Bloc nations led to a massive international revival of Communist revolutionary activity, including terrorism, espionage, and a flood of Soviet weapons.

Mikhail Gorbachev, the former dictator of the Soviet Union, together with other high-level Communist officials, boasted during the 1980s that, by restructuring Communist governments, the Communist Bloc would be able to confuse anti-Communist opposition throughout the world. This, they openly declared, would remove the obstacles to a rapid spread of international revolution, while convincing the United States and other western nations to send tens of billions of additional dollars each year, along with vast quantities of sophisticated military technology, to the Soviet Bloc to pay for the accelerated world revolution. To top all this, the deception was planned to cause the West to disarm, eliminating its nuclear and conventional weapons and rendering us helpless in the face of a future Soviet attack.

Today, Communists remain firmly entrenched in every single government of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; only in East Germany is this control not openly paraded. The Communists have frankly admitted that their secret police control every "opposition" party throughout the "former" Soviet Bloc. Indeed, the thousands of concentration camps remain fully active, the Soviet and Eastern European economies are now fully recognized as having remained thoroughly socialist, and even the borders of the Soviet Union remain closed—trapping at least 2.5 million Jews who are denied permission to leave. Meanwhile, the KGB (the secret police, now renamed) and the Soviet military continue to expand and upgrade their activities, at home and abroad.

The phony "death" of Communism, part of an orchestrated deception plan designed to throw the world off balance during a phase of rapid Communist expansion, was predicted, in every detail, by the highest KGB official who ever defected to the West—at least five years before the "collapse" of 1989 (Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old, 1984).

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, moreover, never referred to Communism as having died, but rather warned several times that these changes represented merely a "foretaste" of events yet to come—and an unequivocal sign of the imminent arrival of Moshiach.

Now we can understand the bizarre policies of Western governments acting against the interests of their own nations. In recent years, we have been bombarded with public exposures of dozens of top Soviet spies operating in the highest levels of our government, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the military, and even the President's cabinet. Many of these spies have continued working for the "former" Soviet Union until their exposure in the 1990s. For every such spy exposed, it is estimated that tens of thousands remain concealed and active.

President Clinton himself was trained by foreign Communist Parties during the 1960s, and his wife is a long-time supporter of such pro-PLO Communist organizations as the National Lawyers Guild; this would explain why Clinton appointed associates of the Institute for Policy Studies, a front organization of the Soviet KGB in America, to the most sensitive positions in government—including Anthony Lake as National Security Advisor and Warren Christopher as Secretary of State. Holding such positions in the American, Israeli, and Western European governments, Communists are well-placed to sow public confusion and send our nations plunging into disaster—at least until a few of us wake up and take appropriate action.

The goal of all this scheming is nothing more than sheer nihilism. As they themselves loudly proclaim, the Communists aim to destroy all positive aspects of civilized society—service to G-d (i.e., religion), family, morality, private property, tradition, even technology and the industrial revolution—replacing these with their evil counterparts, including atheism, materialism, amorality, hatred, cruelty, revolutionary instability, and socialist poverty. Thus it is no mistake that the Communists always impose a ruthless socialism on every conquered nation; the explicit purpose is to impoverish and demoralize the captive population while burning its most cherished institutions and erasing any trace of capitalist economic progress.

To the extent that any Communist revolution succeeds, therefore, it produces two inevitable effects: (a) An imprisoned population that hates its masters and longs for their overthrow, and (b) a national economy far too crippled to survive for long, let alone build a formidable military machine. In other words, by its very nature, the Communist revolution always reduces itself to a helpless parasite that can maintain its weak hold on power only through vast infusions of Western economic aid. Indeed, as has already been well-documented in numerous books and studies, the Soviet regime has survived since 1918 only from the money, technology, and industry provided by the United States and Western Europe. This aid has never been interrupted, but the day it ends, so will Communism. Without an economic lifeline from the capitalist world, the evil will quickly turn inward and self-destruct.

Although the Communists certainly aim to wreak havoc and destruction upon the entire world, their ultimate target is the Jewish people. The Communist intent to destroy Jews, Judaism, and Jewish influence on the world began with Karl Marx's explicit goal of eradicating the Jewish nation; it took shape with Nikolai Lenin's use of his Soviet secret police and its terror methods against the Jewish population of Russia, with the clear intent to eliminate Jewish existence altogether; it burst into the open when Josef Stalin ordered Communist agents in Germany, France, and elsewhere to bring Hitler to power and build his empire, and when Stalin joined with Hitler, who boasted of his own Marxist views, in implementing the Holocaust; and it matured into a revolutionary war to destroy the state of Israel when the Soviets, through their agents in Egypt, Syria, arid Iraq, formed the PLO and placed Arafat, himself a long-time Communist, in charge.

The Communist hatred of Jews and Torah is implacable. No amount of appeasement, negotiation, or neutrality can ever mitigate their war against us. Even when they make noises about moderating or repudiating their anti-Semitism or their aims of world revolution, it is nothing more than a tactical maneuver to set a newer, deadlier trap. We did not choose this war; it has been forced upon us by an insanely dedicated, unrelenting enemy. We therefore simply have no alternative but to eradicate physically the entire international Communist conspiracy—which can be done peacefully through the termination of their economic support.

...gambIing on an evil scheme...

The above information has been revealed over several decades, in minute detail, through tens of thousands of scholarly books and government investigative reports, plus hundreds of thousands of news articles and interviews. It is well-known to many of the best experts in the fields of intelligence, internal security, and politics generally. We can do no more than outline the subject here.

But based on this vast reserve of information and with a clear understanding of Communist objectives and methods, we can accurately predict their plans for the near future.

In simple terms, we are at war. It is not a struggle merely for power, wealth, or some other material advantage; it is a titanic clash over the future of world civilization. The world must now choose, for all time, between the eternal holiness of the Messianic kingdom—for which Jews have tirelessly worked for thousands of years—and the utter nihilism of the darkest evil ever to threaten the planet. This war has already spread into every nation, every social institution, every human activity. It has thus become a world war in the ultimate sense.

The Jewish people have the unique power of victory, to liberate the world from its current road to complete self-destruction. Since we are now in the last generation of the Jewish exile and the first generation of Moshiach, our actions are guaranteed to produce miraculous success. No longer must we labor without visible achievement, in the face of powerful opposition and persecution, today, even the smallest actions performed within the physical world will yield staggering results far beyond the laws of nature. Actions that would previously have required decades for success can now yield victory within months. But we must act.

Meanwhile, the world is tumbling into chaos, confused and frightened by the largest, most daring web of lies in history. Until we choose to exercise our incredible potential for Divinely-assured victory, we can expect to see the following developments unfold (H"V):

1) The re-emergence of overt Communist control over the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

2) Escalating revolutionary violence in both Northern and Southern Ireland, leading to their integration as a Communist state with Soviet military bases.

3) Increasing political unification of Europe, including "former" Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, followed by a wave of economic crisis throughout Western Europe, and accompanied by labor strikes, civil unrest, and terrorist attacks.

4) Occupation of Germany, France, Spain, Italy, England, and the rest of Western Europe by Soviet military forces, all in the name of "restoring order" and "protecting" Europe.

5) Similar outbreaks of terrorism, insurrection, and seizure of power by Communists throughout the continents of Africa, Asia, and Latin America—particularly in the wake of economic crises.

6) Orchestrated "democratizations" of other Communist regimes to help disguise the accelerating international revolution, most likely in Cuba and China and possibly including Vietnam, Iraq, and North Korea.

7) The illusion of a "war" or conflict between China and the newly re-established Soviet Union, even as they quietly assist each other in spreading revolution.

8) Increasing military aid from the Soviet Union and Communist China to the Marxist governments of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc., and an accompanying buildup of PLO forces; a generally increasing Soviet presence in the Middle East.

9) The radical expansion of violent revolutions in Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Morocco, leading to the collapse of those governments and the appearance of newly hostile regimes giving aid to the PLO.

10) Ongoing sellout of Israeli interests by its own government, regardless of which party controls the Knesset and the cabinet. (Mr. Netanyahu will eagerly push the surrender as quickly as he can in the face of growing opposition, but any successor to him will also do the same—including Ariel Sharon, who is promoted by the "Arabists" in the U. S. State Department [apparently they know something we don't]. In any case, between Histadrut control over Israeli bureaucracy, spies permeating the government and other institutions, and U.S. foreign aid dollars giving the State Department full leverage over Israeli policies, no politician or political party could possibly hope to reverse the situation by ordinary means.)

11) With each compromise by Israel, an increasingly strident list of demands by the emboldened PLO and the Syrian regime, ultimately leading to the surrender of the entire West Bank, as well as all of the Golan Heights, southern Lebanon, and at least half of Jerusalem.

12) A growing wave of terrorism inside the rest of Israel, together with labor strikes, demonstrations and riots, economic chaos, and severe political disunity.

13) Israel's surrender of its nuclear weapons, much of its conventional forces, its water rights, and much of its political sovereignty—to be enforced by United Nations troops, acting under Soviet orders (through the office of the undersecretary General for Political and Security Council Affairs), who will occupy much of Israel and render brazen assistance to PLO forces while paralyzing Israeli forces; also, the growing authority of the UN World Court to prosecute Israeli soldiers, settlers, and religious Jews in general on charges of "genocide" for defending themselves against PLO forces, or even for merely speaking out against the "peace process."

14) Total failure in any attempt by opposition forces to overthrow the Israeli government, since any such movement will be thoroughly riddled with spies and agents (we can presume that such infiltration already exists, not only in the Israeli government, armed forces, and police, but also in the settler movement and other opposition).

15) Increasing betrayal by the U.S. president, regardless of his party affiliation, culminating in diplomatic isolation of Israel and a termination of all military aid, coupled with growing accusations of "human rights abuses" and "intransigence."

16) An escalation of terrorism within the borders of the United States, along with debt-fueled inflationary economic crisis and urban riots; a general breakdown of law and order, followed by police state measures that will deliberately fail to restore order; rising confusion and panic amongst the population, with no one being able to identify the cause.

17) The outbreak of a world war, spreading throughout every continent on the globe, but culminating in an all-out invasion of Israel by Communist armies from the Soviet Bloc, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and perhaps China.

On the other hand, none of the above scenarios need happen at all. It is not a strategy based on force or strength, but rather on weakness and parasitic helplessness hidden behind a wall of lies and illusions.

Only through the most spectacular psychological deception in world history can the Communists hope to realize even a small part of their evil ambitions. Their success depends entirely on the growing confusion, religious disintegration, and moral decay of gentile (especially American) society, as well as on strife and division amongst the Jewish people. Their strategy for revolution, in fact, consists largely of pitting people against each other, igniting hatreds through every imaginable form of class warfare.

In reality, neither the Jewish people nor the gentiles support the betrayal of Israel, and essentially all six billion gentiles are quite ready to ask the Jews for spiritual leadership in these times of darkness. The whole world has a common desire to eliminate the source of the growing anarchy, but very few people have any idea where to find the source of the problems—or the answers.

What, then, could possibly be the reason for this crisis?

...which is merely part of the Divine plan...

The ancient nation of Amalek is condemned in the Torah as the ultimate personification of evil, a nation so full of hatred toward G-d and the Jewish people that it cannot be transformed into good, but must be utterly destroyed along with all traces of its influence. Rather than simply being ignorant of G-d, Amalek has a clear knowledge of its Creator, yet chooses to rebel against Him without any reason—not even for power, pleasure, wealth, or any other conceivable benefit. In this way, Amalek stands clearly apart from the other seventy gentile nations who, despite idolatry, immorality in general, and even anti-Semitism, nevertheless have the potential to be influenced by the Jews to become righteous gentiles who follow the Seven Noachide Laws.

Amalek represents the ultimate barrier to the revelation of G-dliness within the physical world. Its descendants have, for thirty-three continuous centuries, carried on their scheming and machinations to rid the world of Jews and Jewish influence. The very presence of Torah in our realm represents an influence that refines and elevates the gentile nations and all physical elements, preparing for the day when Moshiach arrives to lead a purified world. The Amaleki conspire to send the Torah back into the heavens and reduce the world back to the darkest, most primitive state of idolatry and evil.

But there is one major problem: Amalek has always been far too small and weak to defeat the Jews directly. It has suffered painful defeat in every battle it has fought openly against Israel.

This forces Amalek to mobilize other gentile nations, who do not themselves bear an intrinsic hatred of the Jews, to wage war on his behalf. When the Jews were on their way to Mount Sinai from Egypt, Amalek staged a surprise attack, knowing full well it could not win, but hoping to incite surrounding nations to join in the battle. Some nine centuries later, at the apex of the Persian imperial power, the Amaleki descendant named Haman quietly persuaded Emperor Achashverosh to mobilize Persian forces against the Jews: Achashverosh was motivated by ego and greed, which Haman played upon for his own reasons.

Thus we readily see that Amalek's attack on the Jews requires secretly manipulating unsuspecting gentile nations, using their own weaknesses, to set them against the Jews. More importantly, the Amaleki can only prey upon those gentiles who have not yet chosen actively to side with the Jewish people, the Torah, and the Seven Noachide Laws. But those gentiles who have consciously chosen to follow Torah halacha as it applies to them (without actually converting to Judaism) simply cannot be mobilized by Amalek.

The Torah also teaches us that Amalek's methods involve pure deception and psychological warfare; only when the Jews are fooled can Amalek actually launch a physical blow. Several specific examples of Amaleki tactics are illustrated in Torah:

1) Amalek always begins by attacking those who are weakest—spiritually or physically—as when it attacked the Jews from behind on the way to Mount Sinai.

2) In order to influence gentile nations, and to disrupt the Jewish people from within, Amaleki agents infiltrate the ranks of governments and elsewhere. These spies secretly influence the king, as in the case of Haman; others stir up "spontaneous" mob actions in the streets to provoke further confusion, as several of Haman's sons did in Jerusalem, thereby causing King Achashverosh to suspend the building of the Temple.

3) At all times, Amalek desperately hides itself to prevent effective retaliation. When the Jews first approached the land of Israel after forty years of wandering in the desert, the Amaleki attacked in the guise of Kena'anim. Their intent, as Rashi explains, was to reader ineffective the Jewish prayers asking G-d for victory over " Kena'anim." The Jews, detecting a trap, won by asking G-d for success against "this people." Amaleki are not Russians, Germans, Chinese, or Arabs, but they disguise themselves behind many nationalities and movements in order to misdirect Jewish counterattack against the wrong target.

4) As the Lubavitcher Rebbe has explained, the gematria (numerical equivalent) of "Amalek" is the same as the Hebrew word for "doubt," signifying that Amalek uses every possible method to create uncertainty, confusion, paralysis, and despair. Amaleki propaganda and deceit is designed to immobilize the Jewish people and induce compromise and surrender. But no amount of negotiation ever appeases the Amaleki, who simply exploit every sign of weakness to step up the attack.

Torah teaches us that the literal descendants of Amalek have survived to the present day, hidden amongst the gentile nations, and that the passage of time has by no means weakened their hatred or their intent to erase Jewish influence from the world. They have been forced to bide their time, waiting for an opportunity to strike again; only Moshiach will be able to annihilate these wicked people.

The Tanach prophets and the oral traditions speak of Amalek's resurfacing in the days shortly before Moshiach arrives. The Amaleki would be empowered by G-d to spread their subversive influence secretly throughout the nations and governments of the world, involving them in a series of three world wars known as the "wars of Gog and Magog." The unsuspecting gentile nations would fall prey to the growing confusion and allow themselves to be mobilized against the Jewish people. In the third and final of those wars, Amalek (tentatively identified with "King Gog" in the oral traditions) would lead those forces to invade Israeli soil and lay siege to Jerusalem; the traditions also refer to numerous spies in Jewish ranks, attempting to betray Israel to the enemy. Unable to take the city, the forces under Amaleki control would suddenly panic, slaying each other in the process, for evil always self-destructs in the end. At that moment, Moshiach would be revealed.

Obviously, these prophetic traditions are being fulfilled today, down to the most precise detail, by the international Communist conspiracy and its well-placed allies in Western governments. (Note: Individual Amaleki cannot be identified until Moshiach appears. However, Communism undoubtedly represents the external organization into which Amalek recruits members of all the nations to implement its schemes.)

But what can be the meaning of this strange series of events? In essence, the Torah is showing us that Moshiach cannot come until tile entire world—including the gentile nations—is ready. On the other hand, the gentiles are essentially ready now, requiring only a small Jewish effort to complete the task. The Jewish people and Amalek are waging a final struggle over the future of the gentiles; those whom the Jews fail to teach the Seven Noachide Laws will automatically fall into the hands of Amalek and its world revolution.

Therein lies the key to reversing the "peace" process. The war, contrary to popular opinion, lies not in the land of Israel itself, but rather in the United States and other gentile nations. G-d is giving the Jewish people a tremendous opportunity to perform mitzvos and carry out a primary goal of Torah: To elevate and bring holiness into the gentiles, preparing them for the Messianic era when "on that day Hashem will be one and His name one"—meaning that all other religions will disappear, and the entire world will learn G-d's wisdom from the ingathered Jewish exiles in Israel, with Moshiach as the world's king.

...to bring Moshiach immediately.

Judaism has always been a conquering religion, not for the purpose of converting gentiles to become Jews, but rather with the mission of returning the world to the universal covenant between G-d and Noah. For halachic reasons too numerous and detailed to list here, gentiles today who follow Christianity, Islam, or other religions are not, for the most part, "righteous gentiles" who inherit the World to Come. That status belongs only to those gentiles who carefully observe the Seven Laws of Noah, including following the halachic authority of the oral Torah and the rabbis.

(For those who find the concept confusing, we hasten to point out that this is not part of a conversion to Judaism, nor even a step in the process. The Children of Noah have their own, independent role to play in assisting the Jewish people and refining the world. Those individuals who wish to convert may do so, but there is no such requirement. In the Messianic era, these righteous gentiles will worship in the Jerusalem Temple and celebrate certain Torah holidays, but will maintain a separate court system and not intermarry with Jews. Today, such Noachides also assist in bringing non-observant Jews back to Torah, among other functions.)

During the time of the first Temple, the dream of eventually refining and transforming the gentiles was reflected in the presence of ten menorahs in the Temple sanctuary—for a total of seventy lights—representing the elevation of the seventy gentile nations. But when the Temple was destroyed, the Jews had to influence the gentiles in a more quiet, gradual manner. Although causing the gentiles to observe the Seven Noachide Laws is itself one of the 613 mitzvos of the Torah, the exile at times sank to such depths of harshness and oppression that Jews simply could not fulfill this mitzvah for fear of death. In such times, Judaism was forced to adapt itself to mere survival; conquest was simply out of the question.

That situation has completely reversed itself today. The very fact that Amalek can stir up such chaos in the world is proof that gentile society no longer presents true opposition to Jewish teachings. One now sees anti-Semitism only where Amalek is provoking trouble, which is precisely where gentiles are the most desperate for guidance. As Christianity spirals downward into strife and theological confusion, it becomes a vacuum unable to defend itself against either the lies of Amalek or the truth of Torah. Amalek can exploit the worldwide collapse of Christianity only by default—that is, only when the Jewish people do not seize the unprecedented opportunity.

And as the Lubavitcher Rebbe has explained, by transforming the gentiles we can quickly create a vast army of supporters who will help us reveal Moshiach and bring all Jews back to the Torah. Specifically, the Rebbe has emphasized that the "peace process" in Israel will be defeated only through our influence on the gentiles—especially through the campaign to teach the Noachide Laws (see Sichos in English, vol. 16, [19 Kislev 5743]).

Our most pressing task, to put it simply, is to launch an international Noachide revolution without delay. The process has already begun, with dozens of tiny Noachide communities having appeared throughout the United States, generally composed of former Christians who have abandoned that religion. The task of organizing the revolution can be divided into two broad stages:

I) We must first create a new Noachide society as an international network of communities and organizations functioning inside, but separately from, the surrounding society (based on halachic requirements and directives, Noachide institutions function quite differently from their Christian and secular counterparts).

This starts with an aggressive outreach program, by Jews and Noachides alike, to teach gentiles about their responsibilities according to Torah.

Simultaneously, we must organize functioning programs and institutions that are prepared to absorb these vast numbers of ex-Christians and immediately involve them in efforts to bring Moshiach. The Noachide communities require schools for their children, modeled after the Jewish yeshiva programs; Torah study groups geared for their specific needs; coordinated celebrations of appropriate Torah holidays; family services for marriage, support for the elderly, and burial; courts of justice, led by rabbinically trained righteous judges, which will function similarly to Jewish batei dinim; and tzedaka programs to assist the needy, to build new Noachide schools, and to support Jewish settlements in Israel and synagogues throughout the diaspora.

2) In the second stage, the growing Noachide movement will seize political power—using only peaceful, lawful means—in the capitals of the Western nations. This, of course, will not take place until the Noachide society has grown to some threshold size. We do not know how large this needs to be nor which nations will join the revolution first, although the United States, as a fairly religious, conservative nation, certainly tops the list of prospects.

Upon seizing the reins of government, the new Noachide leaders will move quickly to implement a full agenda of reform. All economic and technological aid to the Communist Bloc, including the PLO, will be terminated immediately. Full support will be given to Israeli forces to reinvade PLO-controlled areas, with military assistance offered where necessary. Jewish courts (the batei dini of the rabbis) will be granted full legal sovereignty over Jewish citizens within each country, who will no longer be subject to the authority of gentile courts. The pre-existing Noachide judges and courts will replace the existing court system of each country, and the legal code will be drastically rewritten to conform to halacha; in the United States, the emphasis will be on restoring the authority of the Constitution and abolishing all unconstitutional government programs and agencies. The national debt will be foreclosed, probably by paying off creditors with government land holdings, thus averting economic disaster. And law and order will be fully restored through the establishment of internal security measures, again in accordance with Torah law.

Almost as soon as aid to the Communist Bloc stops, the international Communist revolution will plunge headlong into crisis. The captive peoples, seeing their liberation at hand, will genuinely rise up to throw their brutal dictators out of power, and the armies of Gog and Magog—ranging from the Soviet Communists to the PLO—will self-destruct before the eyes of the entire world.

Naturally, Amalek's agents will scream hysterically to intimidate Jews from carrying out the above campaign, hoping to delay this victory. They have no power, however, to prevent our successful action; they can only try to create doubts and hesitation.

As the world plunges headlong toward the imminent revelation of Moshiach while the last walls of the exile disintegrate, the number of confused gentiles ready to change is rising exponentially. If the Jewish people immediately begin preparing adequate structures for the Noachide movement, this tide will be channeled directly into a glorious revelation of Truth. But if we allow ourselves to be caught unprepared, this same overwhelming force for social change can, G-d forbid, be diverted to empower Amalek's final assault on holiness. It is not a matter of whether gentile society will explode in the face of the growing crisis; this event is an inevitable, and fast-approaching, reality. We do not want to miss this incredible opportunity to provide light in the final moments of darkness.

The world has reached its ultimate point of decision, and the power to succeed belongs entirely to the Jewish people. We can wait until Moshiach comes on his own, following a world war, or we can bring him through our own actions, as the Lubavitcher Rebbe has stated is our mission. The choice is ours.

There is not a minute to waste. Jews everywhere, unite!

Copyright © 1998 by the Committee for Israeli Victory

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